Healthy Blue Blog

Health & Wellness

Bullying is Not Cool

October 3, 2024

Bullying can be a big problem. It may make you feel hurt, scared, sick, lonely, embarrassed or sad. It also can make you feel stressed out and unhappy.

What is bullying? A bully might hit, kick or push to hurt people. A bully can also use words to call names, tease, threaten or scare.

These words and actions can hurt. Bullying bothers everyone, not just the kids who are getting picked on. 

It can make you feel scared to play outside or go to school.

Here are some tips to stop bullies:

  • Tell an adult when you need help.
  • Stand tall, be brave and walk away.
  • Tell the bully, “No!” or, “Stop it!” in a loud voice and walk away.
  • Speak up for yourself, but don’t bully back.
  • Stay calm and hold your anger.
  • Get a buddy and be a buddy.

If someone is bullying you, get help so that it can stop. Talk to someone you trust — like a parent or grown-up. Keep asking until you get help.

Everyone has the right to feel safe!

Resource: Dealing With Bullies (for Kids) | Nemours KidsHealth

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