"The Talk"
December 13, 2024
For most parents, having “the talk” with their children about sex is awkward. But you need to have it — and not just once. That’s because most teens like to get and process information a little at a time.
These talks are important for your child’s health. And the topics go beyond the risk of pregnancy. In fact, pregnancy rates are declining for teens — but South Carolina has one of the highest rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Talking about it is a big first step. For tips on how and when to talk to your children about their sexual health, check out these resources for parents from Fact Forward.
You should also talk to your child’s or your family doctor about teen health. Ask about the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine and STI screenings to see if they are right for your pre-teen.
Above all, keep the lines of communication open between you, your child, and his or her doctor. What you say to each other can play a huge role in better health.
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